Introducing any living thing into a new ecosystem can be quite stressful. If you bring a mouse home from the pet store, it usually takes them a while to acclimate to their new surroundings. While it might not be something you think about regularly, trees need time to adjust when planted in a new habitat. The sudden shift can cause what’s known as “transplant shock.” Identifying transplant shock and treating it is important for any new tree showing initial signs.
What You Should Know
While transplant shock is certainly tough on any recently planted tree, they can bounce back and make a full recovery. The symptoms can vary depending on the tree species, but some tell-tale signs are common.
- If the tips of a tree’s leaves are brown or begin to change color prematurely, this is a tell-tale sign of transplant shock.
- Branch dieback or stunted growth of twigs
- If a tree is late in budding during the springtime.
Sometimes a dead tree and a case of transplant shock can be very similar. Before you remove anything, it’s best to find out the current situation. The best way to figure out whether a tree is alive is to remove a twig and some of the bark. If there’s green underneath, your tree is alive but in possible transplant shock.
The Road to Recovery
As we previously mentioned, nursing a tree back to health is possible. A tree can lose a significant amount of its roots during transplant shock. The best thing you can do for a tree in shock is to thoroughly water it. This should gradually help the tree recover. If you notice that this increased hydration isn’t having much of an effect, you might want to consider replanting the tree. When you first purchased the tree, you might have noticed how far it was buried in the oil. Replanting the tree at a similar depth can help it recover quicker.
Patience is a Virtue
The most important thing to remember with a recovering tree is to be as patient as possible. Most trees suffering from transplant shock need a full year to fully recover; others can take as long as five to return to normal. Be patient. Be Kind. Trees are living things.
Lamb Tree Care in Sarasota
If you have a tree that might be undergoing transplant shock and aren’t sure what to do next, the experts at Lamb Tree Care can help you. We’ve got years of experience under our belts and will gladly put them to use for you and your arbor friends. For more info, visit us at